Texas Concerto in D

A classical guitar and a flute start playing the last four movements of Mozart's Flute Concerto in D.

The proud dad leaves the camera running on the tripod and sits next to his sandals.

Every whole rest in the movement pulls a premature clap out of the coffee-jittered, culture saturated, generational gapsters in the audience.

The more intricate movements lower heads to bright rectangles.

I'm really glad the microphones can't pick up the 'this can't wait until church' gossip.

An old woman stops picking her nose because she needs that hand to figure out how the camera on her phone works.

The movements come to an end and the tipsy crowd gives a hasty standing ovation. The classical musicians appreciate the Texas hoots and hollers.

My backpack is packed and I'm tipping waiters when I hear that the group is called The Nu Rainbeaus.

I came here to write ...

I forgot it is Open Mic Night at [rustically decorated coffee shop]



